Chelsea is a dynamic speaker and the CEO of The Virtual Collab Agency who brings her extensive expertise in administrative and operations management in public health and healthcare to the stage. She has a Master of Public Health specializing in healthcare management and policy and over ten years of experience, she offers insightful training and guidance on administrative, operational, and creative strategies to help public health and social impact entrepreneurs and professionals excel in their businesses. Chelsea is a dynamic speaker and the CEO of The Virtual Collab Agency. She has been in business for 4 years and has worked with countless Public Health and Social Impact entrepreneurs. Having a Master of Public Health, Chelsea brings extensive experience in administration and operations management to the stage. As she grew from a team of 3-10 people, she became passionate about providing insightful training and guidance to executives and organizations to maximize efficiency, organization, and productivity! Chelsea shares real-world experiences and examples about transitioning from solo entrepreneur to CEO and managing teams. Through her training and speaking services, she enables public health and social impact entrepreneurs to restructure their businesses into sustainable ones by implementing administrative, operational, and creative strategies.
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