Our mission is to help your business grow and flourish through virtual collaboration. We are dedicated to helping public health and social impact entrepreneurs  maximize their time and scale their business to the next level through administrative, operational, creative, and planning support. We guarantee quality and organized delivery of services to ensure you are focusing on revenue-generating tasks for your business. 

our mission

why the virtual collab?

We believe being organized is the key to success and helps our clients stay organized.

see why we're a good fit

our values


We respect your business and its values.


We know this is what drives your business and we make sure this is our main focus for our clients. 


We understand your business is your baby, so we take confidentiality very seriously. 


We ensure tasks and projects are completed with the utmost quality and in a timely manner.


We love to organize, systematize, and streamline our client's processes.


The Virtual Collab specializes in working in the public health, healthcare, and social impact space. We are a dedicated team of expert operators, business owners, and administrators ready to advance public health, improve health and wellbeing, and create equitable communities. This is our passion at The Virtual Collab and we want to support entrepreneurs whose goals align.

our expertise

What You're Investing In


Meet The 

Christian Williams-Harris
 Administrative Manager 

Keri Dawkins, MBA
Virtual Resource Partner

Meikayla Thomany, MFA
Virtual Resource

Kristen Glick, MPH
Virtual Resource Partner

Benefits of working with a virtual Resource Partner!

We save you time and money as you increase your revenue

We are independent contractors so you don’t have to pay for our benefits.

We offer multiple services your business will need as it grows.

We Increase Your Productivity.

We don't need training since the public health and social impact field is already familiar to us.

let's talk about it

for the better

You Are one call away from Building a sustainable business

just imagine

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